Welcome to Marama


Marama is the result of Roberto's and Saartje's dream to create a place where they can share their vision, that our health and the health of our planet are interconnected, and integrate this vision into the care that they provide to their clients.

They believe that your mind, body, and emotions are part of the same you. What you think, affects which emotions you feel and these emotions can be physically felt in the body. Reversely, what you feel in your body can trigger certain emotions, which in turn can influence what you are thinking. As such, your emotions form a bridge between body and mind. 

This interconnectedness of body, emotions, and mind plays an important role in the development of ailments and diseases. Recent scientific research, by the Benson Henry Institute affiliated to Harvard University, shows that over 90% of all medical consultations are for diseases either caused or aggravated by stress. However, this mind-body connection is not only relevant in the development of disease: it is also a powerful tool in te restoration of health. 


Marama’s philosophy is that diseases arise as a consequence of disconnection: disconnection between mind and body, as well as disconnection between ourselves and our planet. 

Life is about connection, but in our current society, connection has been replaced by an increasing sense of dis-connection. Even though we have the most advanced methods of real-time communication, with the ability to stay connected to everyone and everything, wherever we are, and even though public transport connects almost any place in the world, more than ever people are feeling out of place and disconnected from the world and from each other.

Connection is an essential part of life and the disruption of this connection to life itself is at the root of the development of mental, emotional and physical symptoms.


Our mission is to guide you on your journey of re-connection:

  • with yourself (i.e. balancing mind, body and emotions)

  • with your loved ones

  • with nature.

To achieve this, we provide different therapies and coaching solutions, each one approaching the story of connection and health from a slightly different perspective. With each therapy, our goal remains the same: discovering a happier and healthier life for you. 


The word Marama has 2 meanings:

  • In Maori it means "light". We want to be a beacon of light, of hope, for you during your search for health, and happiness, and self-growth. We aim to be your guiding light along the way of personal transformation and self-discovery.

  • In Spanish, "mar" and "ama" refer to our love for the sea. The sea connects all continents to each other, and the sea is where all life once came from. 


The Flavours of Life