The easy and inexpensive way to significantly impact your health and wellbeing
Sessions available in: English, Dutch
Breathing comes naturally to us, we know how to do it from the day we are born, without any practice. On average, we take roughly 20.000 breaths per day and we don’t have to think about it. It just happens.
Despite breathing for many, many years, often we do it wrong. Because we do it unconsciously, we breathe too quickly, too irregularly, too shallowly, and through our mouth. Breathing is a complex process, that affects all parts of the body. Doing it consciously has proven health effects such as reducing anxiety, stress, and inflammation.
What to expect?
During these sessions, we will share with you essential breathing techniques, to help you understand and achieve good breathing. Then, we will coach you towards healthy breathing patterns, aided by specific exercises tailored to your needs.
Participate in a 28-day conscious breathing challenge!
We provide a training schedule to retrain your breathing
We will ask you to fill in a breathing and health index questionnaire, both at the beginning of your sessions and once you have completed the trajectory
We will teach you breathing exercises
We will teach you exercises to make breathing muscles relaxed, which will open up your airways so they become well-functioning
For whom?
Good breathing consists of breathing slowly and quietly through the nose in a rhythmic fashion. Not only will it almost immediately reward you with a profound sense of relaxation, but additionally, good breathing has many health benefits. These sessions are for you, if you are looking for:
Better sleep
Less aches & pains
A calmer brain
Improved physical fitness
A harmonious heart rate
Increased fat burning
A better sex life
And more