What Do You Want?

What do you want?

It is such a simple question: what do you want? Yet, often, finding an answer is not easy at all.

What do you want? Your silence when I ask you this question is deafening. You are swamped with thoughts of what should or should not. You are confused by who is right and what is right for you. Between all the shoulds, coulds, and woulds, between the maybes and the perhapses, between your doubts and confusions, your hopes and your anxieties, you no longer clearly see the road that leads towards your dreams. You feel lost. You don’t know anymore how to know what is right for you.

How I wish to help you. How I wish to show you the way. How I wish to smoothen your path so you will get there faster. But I must not. I cannot. Because all I can show you is the road towards my dreams. All I can share with you are my rights and wrongs.

I do not know your path. My compass only works for me.Though I can help you find yours. I can accompany you for as long as you want me to. My words will guide you. An oppression in your chest might arise when I say something that does not feel right for you. As I say something that resonates with you, you will feel the pull towards it inside your gut.

Get to know your body, and then read it like you would read a map. It will guide you on your path towards your dream. Your body will guide you home. This. Not that. Not this either, but that yes. See how it steers you away from the things that do not fit. Feel how it guides you towards the things that do. Your body already knows what your mind is trying to figure out. A gut feeling is not an intangible intuition. Rather, it is our ability to read the signals of our body and let them guide us on our way.

If you get to know your body, it will never steer you wrong.


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