Aquera Voice Analysis

Sessions available in: English, Dutch


Emotions are universal. No matter where we are born, the facial expressions of happiness, sadness, fear, disgust, anger, contempt, and surprise, are the same. And so are the vocal patterns corresponding to these emotions. 

The Aquera Voice Analysis technology is based on the fields of bioinformatics, quantum physics, and epigenetics, amongst other sciences. The software measures and analyses patterns in voice frequencies, which are related to the person’s range of emotions and impulses. It then puts this information in relatable graphs, that will be discussed during the session. This information will be used as a basis for exploring with you emotional blocks or patterns that might hinder your wellbeing and health.

What to expect?

  • Before the consultation, we will ask you to install an app and make a voice recording. This will appear in our software once you have notified us that the recording has been made.

  • The software will generate easy-to-understand graphs based on your voice recording.

  • During our session, this information will be discussed, to provide new insights and help you on the way with any emotional struggles you might be experiencing.

  • After the session, you will receive sound files to which you should listen daily, which will help you balance the emotional patterns that have been discovered.

For whom?

Anyone who is able to generate a voice recording and who is able to listen to the sound files can benefit from this therapy.

Aquera Voice Analysis can be suitable to people with a specific problem that they need help with, as well as people who are looking to improve their general wellbeing.

 The Aquera VA technology is endorsed by CIFAL (United Nations), based on both its strong scientific background and successful case reports.

You belong here. ♡